Independent Democracy

Thought provoking commentary

Thousands, including Mitt Romney, attend Mormon cult leader Hinckley’s funeral

SALT LAKE CITY – Twenty one thousand Thursday and an estimated forty thousand Friday – that’s how many people have attended the public viewing of LDS cult leader President Gordon B. Hinckley.

Friday, the long lines began forming in the morning and by early evening were encircling the LDS Conference Center.

LDS Church cult officials vowed to keep the doors open late to accommodate all the people.
Now, many of those at the viewing are children.

Several parents we talked to said it was important to bring their kids because President Hinckley is the only Prophet the children have known. It’s interesting and downright sick that people believe Hinckley is a prophet considering he was selected by men of the church. How can mortal men determine who is a “prophet” and who isn’t? The answer is simple, because Hinckley was no prophet and the LDS/Mormon “religion” is not a religion at all. Its a cult.

But the viewing experience also taught the children lessons about life and death and faith.

Friday was the last day to see President Hinckley lying in repose at the conference center in the Hall of the Prophets.

Saturday, a private viewing has been scheduled for the Hinckley family.

Then, at 11:00 am, a funeral service will be held, also at the conference center.

Many dignitaries are expected to attend, including Health Secretary Michael O. Leavitt and presidential candidate Mitt Romney. It is surprising that Romney, a believer and follower of the cult, would rather attend the funeral of the cult leader than campaign in the critical weekend before Super Tuesday.

How sad, very, very sad.


February 2, 2008 Posted by | Cult, Current Events, News, Politics, Religion, Utah | , , , , , | 7 Comments